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Did you Know? October 2020

October is the month when traditionally at our general club meeting we talk about the coming year and the process for establishing the next Board of Directors. We at Red River follow the same format as PCA for electing members to the Board. Our  nominating committee approaches members who regularly attend meetings and club events as well as accept nominations from the membership that are considered for a slate of candidates to present at the November meeting. The Chair of the committee is the Past President, Gord Favelle, The nominations close on October 15, 2020 followed by a proposed slate of board members for 2021.

The next President always comes from an existing board member or a previous board member from the past 7 years. Other positions are filled from the existing board or from the general membership.

For nominating proposed directors:

  • Members should have at least one year of since and demonstrated commitment to the club and participated in a variety of activities.
  • Regular attendance at club meetings ( 50% )
  • If elected must attend ( 75% ) of board meetings.
  • Must possess skills that effectively promote club activities.
  • Must possess integrity and be socially responsible.
  • Directors are expected to carry on the physical activities necessary to run the club.
  • Directors must reside within the geographic boundaries of the Red River Region of PCA.

A person who is directly or indirectly involved in the automotive industry will generally not be considered for a position due to potential conflict of interest. Please remember that the RRR board is a “ working board” and as such all share in the workload and responsibility to operate the club and activities.

This year the voting process will be different due to the COVID-19 situation. We will be using an “on-line” system that will be available to all members at the normal time of our November meeting.

If you have any questions you may direct them to me, or
