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Did You Know? April 2020

I hope all of you and your families are well and practising everything thats now necessary for safety. We are experiencing unusual circumstances at this time that is affecting our daily lives like nothing before. I remain hopeful that we will end this crisis soon with everyones collective efforts over the next few weeks or months.

I expected to be listening to the roar of my exhaust pipes as I was out for a drive to burn off the winter gas, but , this morning instead I’m listening to my neighbours with their snowblowers cleaning up after our 20cm of snow yesterday. I’m going to be stubborn and simply let our snow melt in a day or so as we are staying home so there is no rush to get a hernia shovelling the driveway.

I have been monitoring the PCA website events and currently many regions have dramatically adjusted their planned activities, in most cases until the end of May. Most are anticipating some return to normal may happen by then. In our Zone 10, most , if not all regions have stepped back until mid June. At Red River, we are looking at a club meeting on June 3 if its deemed safe to do so. Maybe , if necessary , we will get a little creative and have a parking lot meeting in the Park, where we can bring our own sandwich and thermos of coffee. We can park our cars with a space in between and stand by them well we raise our voices to talk to each other at a safe distance,……..this is social distancing the RRR way.

If you need a car fix and have Netflix there are a couple of videos worth seeing, The 24 hour war, the actual story of Ford vs Ferrari and Drive to survive based on the F1 teams.

Please look after yourselves and hopefully we will see each other again soon.
