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June 2019

Did You Know? June/July 2019

At last summer is officially here! I hope everyone is enjoying the weather and driving. As you probably know we have just finished our 20th anniversary drive to the Rockies Tour which was a great success (even though I’m a little biased)!We officially had 37 cars coming from many Regions on the western side of North America (Red River, BC Interior, Red Rose, Inland North West, Polar, Vancouver Island, Pacific North West, and Silver Sage). We even had one person… Read More »Did You Know? June/July 2019

Red River Rockies Tour 2019

The Red River Region’s  20th anniversary premier event was the Red River Rockies Tour on June 13 to 16, 2019. The event was held at the Copper Point Resort in Invermere BC. The resort is located 2 hours past Banff on “the warm side of the Rockies”. The event was very well organised by Dennis & Beverly Duncan. The event was limited to the first 40 cars registered and include a welcome reception and meet and greet on Wed June 12 and… Read More »Red River Rockies Tour 2019