Happy New Year to All Red River PCA Members! This is the January 2019 edition of “Did You Know”
January’s meeting will be at Tony Roma’s (656 St. James St.) on January 9th. Come for the meeting at 7 pm or earlier (6 pm) to have supper.
- Welcome to new members:
- Rod Uzat, 1973 911T
- Board Elections, Constitutional Amendment Vote, & AGM
See attached agenda for AGM on January 9th, 2019 meeting.
All the current Board members have been confirmed by acclamation to their positions for 2019 (Gord Favelle as President, Dennis Duncan as Vice-President, George Derwin as Secretary and John Sobczak as Treasurer).
A motion has been made by Andreas Kottschoth to add 2 more Board positions as Members at Large. An e-mail has been sent out regarding this request with voting planned for January 9th Meeting. It is important for you to attend for this vote if you can or vote by proxy via email.
Plans with Porsche Cars Canada
A conference call with Porsche Cars Canada was held on Dec 19, 2018 with the Presidents of the Canadian Regions of PCA. The following includes some of the discussions:
- Map of Canada with Regional Membership (see attached file)
- July 5 – 7, 2019 Porscheplatz & GT3 Cup (with combined tent) in Ontario
- A Fall Classic Porsche Event to gather all the Canadian Regions – September 27 – 29, 2019 combined with Porsche Golf event. This event is being considered as an annual event moving back and forth between the east and west in Canada with the first one being held in Mont Tremblant, QC. We will provide more info as it becomes available.
Save the Dates!!!!
- Red River Region’s 20th Anniversary Tour.
Plans are well in the works for the tour to the Rockies to take place June 13 to 16, 2019 at the spectacular new Copper Point Resort in Invermere BC, to celebrate Red River Region’s 20th anniversary (Thanks to Dennis & Beverly Duncan for all the work that is being put into this). This location is just 2 hours past Banff. The trip will have 3 days of guided tours and plenty of time for further exploration on your own. More details will be discussed at the next club meeting. If you have not signed up yet please do so ASAP as there are a limited number of spots available. - Fall Classic Porsche Event
A gathering of all the Canadian Regions – September 27 – 29, 2019 in Mont Tremblant QC. More info will be provided as it becomes available.
- Next Meeting: February 6th, 2019 at The Gates on Roblin Blvd.
See you on the 9th.
Gord Favelle