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Did You Know? October 2018

Hello to All Red River PCA Members. This is the October edition of “Did You Know”

October’s meeting will be at Tony Roma’s (656 St. James St.) on October 3rd. Come for the meeting at 7pm or earlier (6 pm) to have supper.

1) Welcome new “test drive” member Kin Ooi (he has joined PCA and is currently looking to buy a Porsche).

2) Upcoming Driving Event’s

October 10th Coffee and Cars – Syl’s Drive Inn
Meeting point: Starbucks, 1650 Kenaston Blvd @ 6:30pm. Destination: Syl’s Drive Inn, 132 4th Ave SE, Carmen MB Drive time: 45 mins via Hwy 3

3) Board Nominations and Elections
It is that time of the year again. Nominations will be accepted for positions on the Board for 2019. Nominations can be sent to the Nominations committee (David Breed & Helmut Waedt at past‐ At the time of this notification all the current Board members have confirmed their willingness to stand in their positions for 2019 (Gord Favelle as President, Dennis Duncan as Vice‐President, George Derwin as Secretary and John Sobczak as Treasurer).
Election and voting (if required) is being planned for the November meeting. A motion has been made by Andreas Kottschoth to add 2 more Board positions as Members at Large. This will bediscussed at a future meeting.

4) Save the Dates!!!!
a. Red River Region Holiday Dinner
December 1st at the Manitoba Club. More information and invitations to come shortly.

b. Red River Region’s 20th Anniversary Tour.
The Red River Region is planning a tour to the Rockies to take place June 13 to 16, 2019 at the spectacular new Copper Point Resort in Invermere BC. This location is just 2 hours past Banff. The trip will have 3 days of guided tours and plenty of time for further exploration on your own. More details will be discussed at the next club meeting.

5) The 7 Deadly Sins of Porsche ownership (from FlatSixes, tongue in cheek required)

  1.  Slamming the front hood.
    2. Using the wrong vocabulary like saying “Porsh” or “V6”.
    3. Wearing Porsche branded apparel in public when it’s not appropriate.
    4. Spending too much money at the Porsche dealership.
    5. Letting other people drive your Porsche unsupervised.
    6. Leaving your Porsche out in the sun on a hot humid day.
    7. Using an Automatic car wash

Check out: (‐;

6) Next Meeting: Tony Roma’s, 656 St James St, Winnipeg (yes we are going there 2 months in a row)
