- July’s meeting will be at the Elmhurst Golf and Country Club (off Garven Rd) on July 4th. Come for the meeting at 7 pm or earlier (6 pm) to have supper. Please note there is a DRESS CODE, NO cargo pants, tank tops, muscle shirts, or ripped denim.
- Welcome our new members: Vince Robson – 97 Boxster, Rick Andrystak – 07 Cayman, Bob Peters – 86 944. Hope to see you at a meeting and event!
- Our Newsletter, Red River Ramblings has been nominated for best cover in PCA’s newsletters. Please support Dallas and our club by voting for our Newsletter (https://www.pca.org/2018-peoples-choice-awards-best-2017-newsletter-cover-voting-options) it is number 30 on the list.
- Porsche’s in the Parking Lot – On Wednesday, July 18, the River Ridge Retirement will host again the Red River Region Porsche Club for an Open House and car show on the parking lot of the residences.
- There will be a Red River BBQ in the Whiteshell. Peter Holle and Sandra Foster hosting the event at their cottage. John Scobczak is organizing it for the Board side (if you are planning on going please let John know (Treasurer@redriverpca.org). We will have hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, soft drinks, etc for this event. Please see https://www.redriverpca.org/pca-bbq-2018/ for more info and maps.
- Red River PCA Region (us) will be celebrating our 20th Anniversary next year. Watch for further announcements for some of our planned activities, etc..
- Our Garage Tours has been set for August 11th. Itinerary will be coming in the near future.
Safe driving everyone!